Námskeið í Markaðssetningu á netinu með Chris Torres

Verið er að skipuleggja námskeið í markaðssetningu á netinu með Chris Torres frá Tourism Marketing Agency

Samið hefur verið við Chris Torres um að koma til Íslands og stýra heilsdags vinnustofa í markaðssetningu án netinu. Chris kemur til landsins og heldur þetta námskeið sem verður öllum opið. Enn er óvissa um hvenær hægt sé að ferðast og hvenær samkomubanni verði aflétt en um leið og rofar til verður dagsetning gefin út. Stefnt er að lok apríl/maí.

Kostnaði við námskeiðið verður haldið í algeru lágmarki og miðaverð eingöngu til að greiða fyrir veitingar.

Chris hefur skrifað áhugaverðar bækur m.a. Lookers into Bookers og Corona virus battle plan

Chris Torres

Nánar um Chris

Chris is a Brand and Digital Tourism expert with over 26 years’ industry knowledge and speaks at many tourism events worldwide, offering his advice and guidance on how travel, tourism and destination businesses can gain brand recognition and increase bookings.

Chris has focused his business, Tourism Marketing Agency, on tourism and destination marketing with over 80% of his client base coming from outside the UK, where he is based, working with some of the biggest players in the industry including Gray Line, the oldest and largest sightseeing company on planet earth.

This knowledge on international markets gives me a unique insight into how destination businesses should market themselves internationally.

Chris has also written ‘How to Turn your Online Lookers into Bookers’: the first ever marketing book dedicated to helping tour and activity companies improve their website, their performance on Google, and their social media engagement. Lookers into Bookers is available here.

Chris also provides loads of free tourism marketing advice through his video series, The Digital Tourism Show, which can be found on his Facebook group at the following link:


and on iTunes:
